Module transmits on a radio frequency of 433 MHz, penetrating walls, with a range of 100 feet. Data is transmitted every 30 seconds. Jumbo digits (1-1/8 inches high) may be read from 25 feet. Cases are high-impact, chemical-resistant ABS plastic.
Total of three modules may be used with the main receiver. The splashproof remote module is supplied with an internal and external sensor. Switchable °F/°C range: –58.0 to 158.0°F (–50 to 70.0°C) probe, and –14.2 to 158.0°F (–9.9 to 70.0°C) ambient. Resolution is 0.1° and accuracy is ±1°C. Multi-point calibration on an individually-numbered Traceable® Certificate which assures accuracy from our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (1750.01) calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. It indicates traceability of measurements to the SI units through NIST or other recognized national measurement institutes (NMI) that are signatories to the CIPM Mutual Recognition Agreement. Supplied with one main unit 4-1/4 x 4-1/2 x 5/8 inches, weight is 6 ounces, one remote module 2-1/3 x 3-1/2 x 3/4 inches, weight is 3 ounces; internal probe and external probe/cable. Also supplied with a Traceable® Certificate, flip-open stand, wall bracket, hook and loop tape to attach to any surface, two AA and two AAA alkaline batteries. Replacement AA battery Cat. No. 1111. Replacement AAA battery Cat. No. 1105.
Temperature Unit | Fahrenheit |
Probe Temperature Range | –58.0 to 158.0°F (–50 to 70.0°C) |
# of Probes | 1 |
Cable Length | 10 foot cable |
Traceable | N |
CE Marked | Y |
Supplied With | External Bottle Probe with 10 foot cable |
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